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Transformers 2007 Wreckage

This week's review is going to be quite interesting, I can already tell. Like I said last week this is an older figure, at least in the grand scheme of things. I wanted him far a very long time since he looked so cool and interesting yet when I did end up getting him I was kinda disappointed, and I have yet to figure out why, so maybe this will help me with that. Anyways let’s take a look at Transformers 2007 Wreckage.

Wreckage was one of the few, if not only, deluxes in the 2007 film’s toyline that was not in the movie, or accompanying video game, in any capacity, although we did get concept art for him under the temporary name of Stryker. I just find it really interesting that he still got a toy, in the first wave no less, despite being cut from the film entirely. He is also one of the most uniquely designed figures in the entire line, and I will get more into the specifics of that as I get to those sections, speaking of which…

Wrekage’s head is interesting and not in a good way. The design of the head is pretty neat, lots of various shapes and angles to make up all the molded details. While the head, half of it anyways, is cast in a rather boring pale grey but that is broken up with some very nice gold paint apps the head crest and cheeks as well as the face being done up in silver. The face itself looks pretty nice with the thin red lightpiped eyes and the massive underbite. Articulation is pretty limited despite being on a ball joint. He can look left and right well enough with some downward movement, but you may have noticed that he is always looking down and that is because of the panel his head sits on and the automorph in his chest. It is pretty unfortunate especially since the rest of him is pretty well articulated. 

The torso is focused on this pristine white pillar, on the front there is the center section of the alt mode, which is not a totally uncommon design when it comes to transformers but what makes this section unique is the fact that it is clearly not the front of a car, not to mention the translucent red naval cannon sitting underneath. Now you may notice that the chest piece doesn’t sit flush with the rest of the torso, so I am thinking that, since it is part of his main auto-morph gimmick, one of the gears is misaligned. While not the end of the word in terms of issues it is kind of annoying. Like I said, the chest is only the center front section of the alt mode, the sides rotate up becoming shoulder pylons, akin to a seeker design, albeit much smaller. I do really like this, since these sections don’t fully rotate back they give him a more unique and visually interesting look. Moving around to the back, and this is where my major problems with the figure lie. The idea behind it is cool, with the angled backpack and it connecting to the pylons, but they only connect via friction which seems to work, but it doesn’t feel strong. Below that you have a few of leftover vehicle parts, which seem harmless for the most part, but the hinge right at the bottom of it unfortunately hinders the waist swivel to the point where he should not even have one. 

These arms are probably my favorite part of this figure, because of both the aesthetics and articulation. Aesthetically the arms are very simple but incredibly effective, the panels on the shoulders give an armored look and while they can get in the way of articulation at certain angles you definitely work around them. The forearms are super cool too with each one sporting a pair of wheels and nothing else, you know what they say, less is more. The hands are molded in a slightly open position but do still have a 5mm port to hold weapons, unfortunately they have a similar issue to the waist where ther have the ability to rotate but are pretty much unable to because of an overhanging panel. Speaking of articulation, that is where the arms shine. Ball jointed shoulders and double hinged elbows do a lot of the heavy lifting, especially since there is no bicep swivel and neutered hand rotation, but to make up for that, he has forward butterfly joints which really help take posing to the next level. 

Moving onto the legs and they are pretty standard. Ball jointed hips, 90 degree knees, he does have ball joints at the feet which was pretty rare back then. Oddly enough, because of transformation, the knees have more articulation going the wrong way. Visually they are pretty neat, the more alt mode armour this time looking similar to a waist cape. Similarly to the forearms the lower legs each sport a pair of wheels. Other points of interest would be the knee spikes and gold stripe down the front of the foot. 

For weapons Wreckage comes with these 2 odd looking guns which are identical mirrored copies of each other. You can plug them into either his hands, the ports on the underside of his arms or any of his wheels, you can also store them in the waist cape if you so choose. Unfortunately the only peg on the guns is on the side rather than the bottom. One of the 2 major features with these guns is that they can convert into swords with the flip of a switch, literally. While you can still plug them into all the same places, the only place the blades work well is under his arms. The other feature is that you can take both swords and combine them together to make a double bladed sword, and attaching it to either of the arm wheels gives it the ability to spin freely.

Transformation is pretty easy, just collapse everything up and in, then cover the legs with the backpack. I do appreciate the weapon storage in this mode since it incorporates the guns right in. Wreckage transformers into an M1126 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle, albeit unlicenced. It is decked out in a basic arctic camo of primarily white with grey splotches decorating most of it. Besides the weapon storage, he has what looks like a 50. Calibur machine gun sitting on top, but other than that there isn’t really any other important details to talk about, I mean all the wheels roll but that is everything. 

That is all folks, that is Transformers 2007 Wreckage in a nutshell. He is cool looking and has some decent articulation and decent ideas but otherwise he is kinda underwhelming. This could very well be a case of over hype for a 14 year old figure and it not living up to said hype, or maybe it just hasn’t aged as well as most people think so he gets a solid 6/10 from me. Anyways check out the gallery if you feel so inclined, next week we take the trail back to the present day and take a look at a fairly new figure. See you all next week.