The Beginning of Something

RTS Strafe

RTS Strafe

Welcome one and all to MythicTFs, My name is Alex but you can call me Myth, Mythic or Mythic Gears if that feels more comfortable. I will be your guide through my personal transformers toy collection one figure at a time (for the most part). Now before we dive right into my collection i feel like a little background info might be in order as to why I chose this as my medium of choice, why I made an entire website for it and what my plans are for this place. 

I have been collecting transformers on and off since 2007 when the first Micheal Bay movie came out but back then I was just a kid who could only pick up figures if I had enough allowance or birthday money, and it was also dependent on me not finding something else entirely that i wanted to spend my limited funds on. Over the past couple years however I have gotten a more flexible income and Hasbro has knocked it out of the park with it’s figures with lines like Studio Series and War for Cybertron (Siege especially in my opinion), add to that the fact that I have fallen down the Transformers rabbit hole way farther than ever before to the point where i couldn’t climb out even if I wanted too and my collection has grown almost exponentially. 

Siege Voyager Starscream

Siege Voyager Starscream

Since my collection has grown to this extent I figured I should do something with it I have done Youtube in various forms since i was in high school and I tried it for a bit but i takes so long to do and it felt very tedious and monotonous, like i was just doing the same thing over and over again even when the subject would change, i might go back to it eventually but for now i am moving on and trying something new.

That is where this place comes in. I want this place to become a gallery of every figure I own (that i think is photo worthy), good or bad. Not just that but I am going to make a blog post to go along with every new photo gallery that has my opinions and thoughts on who/whatever the subject is, this should still allow me to review figures but not have to do as much work or effort as a video review while also getting some more freedom in how i go about the review. The other reason I want to do this is because when I would do research for other projects, like my Transformers AU or if I wanted references of certain toys or figures, I just couldn’t find any so I figured I would just make my own, that way I may be able to help anybody who finds themselves in a similar predicament. 

SS86 Leader Grimlock

SS86 Leader Grimlock

Now the pictures you have seen in this post are not indicative of what the pictures in the galleries will look like, these are oldish pictures that I took when I got new lights, I have upgraded my setup since then but i still really like these pics and since i don’t have anything ready that wouldn’t spoil the first gallery, I figured I might as well use these as sort of teaser or placeholder images. And on the topic of placeholders, that is pretty much all the images on this site at the moment, just Siege Starscream’s head for all the banners and “Coming Soon” placeholders for all the individual figures and galleries, but don’t let that stop you from having a look around at all the categories to see what figures are in there and who knows maybe you can influence me on who i should do next. 

Anyways that is all for now just a short little post about what this site is and what not, hope you are looking forward to my first post, which if all goes according to plan, should be out next week, so I will see y’all then


Transformers Generations Selects Deep Cover