Legacy HasLab Holi



Mold Mates: Siege Stakeout, Siege Road Police

Packaged with: Legacy Haslab Fire, Legacy Haslab Victory Leo, Legacy Haslab Star Saber

Transformers Legacy HasLab Holi is a repaint of WFC: Siege Stakeout and was included in the Haslab Victory Saber set after the crowdfunding campaign reached the 3rd bonus tier, which also included the Holi’s Micromaster partner Fire and the V-Shield. Holi transforms into a cybertronian/futuristic-looking police car. As with all Siege Micromasters, he also can become a gun when combined with his partner. The biggest issue with Holi is that, due to excess plastic on the bottom of the waist, his legs have limited movement and, as a result, pop off easier.

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