Transformers United

Rodimus Prime

Deluxe Class



Mold Mates: Classics Rodimus, Universe Rodimus, Reveal the Shield Rodimus, Platinum Edition Autobot Hot Rod, Timelines Shattered Glass Rodimus, Timelines Side Burn, Henkei Hot Rodimus, Gentei Stuntron Wildrider, United Hot Rod Clear Blue Version, Sons of Cybertron Hot Rodimus

Transformers United Rodimus Prime is a repaint and slight remold of the Classics Rodimus mold and transforms into a modified version of the Dome Zero. This toy’s colors are based on the character's appearance in the original Transformers TV show, but the flame decals are based on the ones on the original Rodimus Prime toy from 1986. Rodimus comes equipped with a spring-loaded missile launcher that can launch the flame effect missile. The launcher can also be stored under the rear of the car mode to form a rocket engine. Rodimus also has a flip-out communicator/buzz-saw on his left arm. A 5mm port was added to the right arm and a 5mm peg was added to the engine for this release so it could interact with the Arms Micron Minicons that were out at the time. This release of this mold doesn’t seem to suffer from any of the mold degradations that the later releases suffer from and there are no other mass QC issues that plague this version.

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