Hi, there. It is that time of year again when everyone figures out their favorite figures of the year and my yearly tradition of going over my Top 20 figures I got this year. Let me tell you this year's top 5 is the CLOSEST ranking I have ever had and there is an easy argument for any of them to be #1. Now then let’s get into it

Hi, there. It is that time of year again when everyone figures out their favorite figures of the year and my yearly tradition of going over my Top 20 figures I got this year. Let me tell you this year's top 5 is the CLOSEST ranking I have ever had and there is an easy argument for any of them to be #1. Honestly, this year was great for figures both in terms of release and acquisitions on my end, and on the whole, there are plenty of great figures that just didn’t make the cut that I thought were shoe-ins for this list when I got them. If you have read the previous year's posts you should know the standard rigamarole for my lists, the figures on this list didn’t have to come out this year I just had to acquire them within the past 12 months and it is not a Top 10 list because there are too many figures that I think deserve attention. Now then let’s get into it

#20: Shattered Glass Grimlock

The original Studio Series 86 Grimlock figure came in at #15 on my list two years ago and combine that with my love for Shattered Glass, this figure being on this list was a no-brainer. Sometimes all you need in life is a big plastic robot dinosaur that turns into a big plastic robot—pure simplicity. 

#19: Universe 2.0 Powerglide 

I have always loved this era of Transformers toys and Powerglide is such a good example of it. New designs for existing characters that have wack proportions, made of big chunky parts, and have tons of play value. This toy just oozes an energy that we just don’t get anymore, sure he doesn’t have the standard articulation we have now but he proves that it isn’t necessary to be a good toy.  

#18: Alternators Miester & Wheeljack

I got quite a few Alternators this year so I am glad a couple of them made the list. Alternators are an incredible toyline that I don’t think we could get today and even if we did I don’t know if they would hit the same. This is a line of 1:24 scale model cars that just so happen to transform into, usually, recognizable Transformers characters. Wheeljack and Jazz here may be some of the more controversial picks for favorites, but Jazz has a really interesting transformation and Wheeljack is a toy I have wanted for a while, and he didn’t disappoint. 

#17: Buzzworthy Origin Jazz

Not a figure I was initially planning on getting as I am pretty content with the 86 Jazz figure but I am really gald I did as this figure has no right being this good. He looks great in both modes, handles great, and transforms great. I don’t know how they managed to pull off this alt mode so well and have the robot mode be as good as it is. 

#16: Legacy Evo Orion Pax & Senator Shockwave

This is a super weird set where neither mold really suits the designs they are going for but there aren’t any better options so this is what we got and I love it for that. Shockwave uses the Siege Seeker mold, which is always a win in my book, and wears it well. The new molding is good but I wish the wings were slightly bigger. Orion is the real star for me though as the Siege Hound mold is almost as good as the Seeker mold and it really shines here with the bright colors and new parts 

#15: Legacy Evo Nacelle

This really shouldn’t be a surprise. Considering I just went over the other use of this mold that came out this year and that I had two versions of this mold on last year's list. This mold is a constant for these lists for me and I am not mad about it. Nacelle here is one of the best-looking of the bunch too. The only thing I wish he had was new wings with V-TOL blades, I am not complaining. 

 #14: Retro G1 Hound & Hot Rod

These two toys made me understand why the G1 toys are so loved. I grew up on the Micheal Bay movies and those are the toys that I grew up with so I had never really handled any G1 toys growing up, aside from a well-loved Prime and Soundwave, which were still great don’t get me wrong. But Hound and Hot Rod here are so good. They are fun, they are simple, and they are exactly what they need to be.

#13: Legacy Evolution Javelin

The original use of this mold was already phenomenal and one of, if not the best, female Transformers figure, and this version knocks it out of the park. I love the entire look of this figure, with the new colors and parts really enhancing the look. The customizable weapon is a big stand out for me, as it gives so much versatility and variety, but this entire figure is great and has not moved from my desk since I got her.

#12: Masterpiece Trainbot Suiken

Two MP Trainbots made the cut last year so of course at least one was going to make its way onto this year's list and Suiken is my new second favorite. The transformation on him is much simpler than the other 3 I have and he just feels so much more dynamic and clean compared to the rest and the train mode is just as incredible as the rest of the crew’s 

#11: Shattered Glass Sideswipe & Hot Rod

As noted earlier, I am a Shattered Glass enjoyer so this pack was a necessity for me but man I was not expecting it to be this good. Hot Rod was already a great toy and the new head and Skywarp colors make it incredible but the real surprise here is Sideswipe. There are only 4 new parts on the mold itself plus the 2 new sword parts and it feels like a brand-new toy compared to any of the previous Siege/Kingdom Sideswipe variants, and then add the new mini-con and you get the full, incredible package.

#10: Legacy Evolution Metalhawk

The final instance of a remold/repaint of a toy that was on a previous year's list and what a toy. Metalhawk uses the phenomenal mold that is Kingdom Cyclous and it works so well. Both modes look super good and so and Metalhawk is just as fun to handle as Cyclonus, the only reason he loses points is that his alt mode is not as sleek and the colors are not clean, especially in jet mode

#9: Legacy Evolution Skyquake

Here is a toy that I’m surprised me it made my top 10, but after picking it back up I totally get it. This toy has presence, in both modes. The design is also such a good blend of the original toy and Prime iterations of the character, the easily best of all the “Prime Universe” figures we have gotten in Legacy. I am really hopeful we get to see this mold done up in more colors in the coming years as I am all in on a version in Classic G1 toy colors and  Machine Wars Starscream colors. 

#8: Legacy Evolution Tarn & Bludgeon

These two show off how good Hasbro figures can be, and how two, of what is essentially the same toy, can feel so distinct. Tarn is a toy nobody thought we would ever get in toy form, just because of the nature of the character, so his toy being this good is incredible. But then to get a reuse of the mold later in the year with Bludgeon who somehow wears the mold just as well if not BETTER than Tarn is something I never expected.  

#7: Legacy Evolution Needlenose

Needles here is a surprise hit for me, I did not expect to like him as much as I do. He is a phenomenal fiddle figure, with a simple yet interesting transformation, all the various ports for the Targetmasters, and all while looking superb in all modes. Add to that the playability with Skyquake and you have a whole lot in such a small package. 

#6: Studio Series 86 Ultra Magnus 

I was always gonna get this figure when it came out as my last Ultra Magnus was the Siege version and I am not a big fan of that mold. This guy is the exact opposite; incredible looking in both modes, a transformation that is both interesting and not infuriating, incredible playability, and great accessories. This toy made me understand why the car carrier is such a great alt mode and why vehicle scale is so good. 

#5: Haslab Deathsaurus

It may come as a surprise that the new Haslab is coming in this low considering last year’s was my figure of the year, but that just proves how stiff the competition is. On top of that, Victory Saber is more toyetic, with lots of combining elements, and just more fun overall to mess with. Deathsaurus on the other hand, while he has a lot of accessories and functionality, is just a phenomenal, premium figure which in the end, is all he needs to be.

#4: MMC Optus Prominon

As far as hyper-articulated Transformers go this is one of the best. He can pull off most poses extremely well, and all the accessories he comes with just add even more variety. On top of all that he looks great in both modes, my only gripe is that the transformation can be a bit of a pain in the ass, especially going to vehicle mode but considering everything he can do, that is a fair compromise.  

#3: Legacy Evolution Armada Optimus Prime

I have always loved the Armada Optimus design so I am super glad this toy came along, as a good quality version of the original toy feels so far out of my price range, and boy does he deliver. The core robot is a blast on its own and then adding the trailer pants just adds so much pure presence that is hard to beat. 

#2: Maketoys Contactshot 

Everyone in this fandom has that one character who is essentially a nobody but they love them anyway, and for me, that is Pointblank. Needless to say, I have really wanted this guy for a while, and man I was not expecting him to be this good. Or this big. He is so much fun and such a beauty to pose and even just look at. The head and face options are a great addition, so you can mix and match to create your preferred Pointblank look. Transformation isn’t complicated and has some very interesting sections, specifically the legs, and the car mode is immaculate.  

#1: Maketoys Striker Manus

This was a long-time grail figure for me, essentially ever since the original version was released back in 2016(I think), I have wanted it and now that I have it I have to say he doesn’t disappoint. This version in particular is the Premium Editions so it comes with all the extra bits and weapons from previous releases of the mould which just increases his fun exponentially. There are so many things I love about this toy, that there comes a point where it becomes derivative and the only thing to say is that he is phenomenal. 


Once again my Top 20 Figures of the year list has 25 figures in it but really who’s counting? This is just a way for me to gush about a fraction of the cool robots I got this year for anyone who will read it. If you haven’t caught on this is the end of the list no honorable mentions or anything as that would take WAY too long and this is long enough already. Hoping to update this site more this year but I guess only time will tell, so in that case, I will see you when I see you. 

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