Hi, it has been a minute since a blog post. Let’s just get into this, though, shall we? Same format as last year, Top 20 because there were too many standout figures; the figures did not have to release this year, I just had to acquire them this year, and as always, this is in no way a definitive for anyone else, just me. Now without further adieu, let’s start

Hi, it has been a minute since a blog post. My posting, in general, on the website has been inconsistent this year, which is something I would like to improve upon next year, hell, even this post is late, but better late than never, I suppose. Let’s just get into this, though, shall we? Same format as last year, Top 20 instead of Top 10 because there were just too many standout figures; the figures did not have to release this year, although most of them did. I just had to acquire them this year, and as always, this is in no way a definitive for anyone else, just me, so if you disagree with some of my picks, that’s cool, let me know on Twitter what your top figures of the year are. Now without further adieu, let’s start with #20;

#20: Shattered Glass Jetfire

Starting off with a Big Boy. I never got the original release of this mold when it came out during Siege, it never really appealed. I am perfectly fine with the T30 Jetfire as my normal Jetfire. Still, when this guy was announced, I knew I had to get him, mainly because I wanted to complete the Shattered Glass line, but I was also curious about the mold. I am glad I did; Jetfire here is PACKED with features and accessories, and while his transformation isn’t anything special, his sheer size makes up for it.  

#19: Selects Galvatron II

This is a figure I was unsure if I would pick up. I already loved the regular release from Kingdom, and while I knew I wanted the toy decos for Scourge and Cyclonus, I wasn’t thrilled with the pics of this guy. Obviously, I did pick him up, and he is just as good as the Kingdom/Legacy release, but this time with proper shoulders, a manga reference matrix, and some stickers for that extra toy look, even if those stickers aren’t very good, I appreciate the effort. 

#18: Wreck ‘N’ Rule Collection Autobot Springer 

It is wild to me that it took this long to get a repaint of this mold, but I won’t say no to a toy deco, and I knew I had to have this one as soon as I saw it. I absolutely adore the Siege Springer mold, and the toy colors for Springer are so good and this mold wears them perfectly. He is just as good if not better than the original release, and I couldn’t be happier about that.

#17: Studio Series KSI Sentry

This is a mold I have loved since Stinger came out in 2018, and I finally got KSI Sentry, who is just as good. The deep blue and black Pagani Huayra alt mode is absolutely stunning. And the added gunmetal silver in robot mode makes all the details in the molding pop, making up for the lack of weaponry.

#16: Revenge of the Fallen Knock-Out

The is a classic for anyone who grew up with the movie toylines. The Revenge of the Fallen toyline scouts are some of the best figures in the line, and Knock-Out is the epitome of that. Incredible colors, impeccable bike mode, and a remarkable robot mode design. Any version of this mold is excellent, but Knock-Out is the OG. 

#15: Fansproject Protector & Fansproject Knight

We have come to the first of my ties with Fansproject Protector and Fansproject Knight. These are two very different figures, but both are great in their own rights. Protector has the classic look and charm of old school 3rd party figures and upgrade kits that is hard to rival. While Knight has a similar charm to him, his size and six modes make him a just as fun a toy to mess with.   

#14: Premium Finish Optimus Prime (SS05)

I know this could be a controversial pick, I mean this figure is controversial. Most people question why this version of the mold and not the more accurate SS32 version. I am not most people. I have always preferred the SS05 version; I think transformation is less complicated, and I don’t care about the Jetfire compatibility as I never wanted Jetfire. This is just the perfect version of 05, and I couldn’t be happier.     

#13: Studio Series TLK Hot Rod

This is a figure I hoped to be good, and it did not disappoint. I am one who enjoyed the original TLK deluxe, as flawed as it is, but this just blows it out of the water. The transformation and engineering is nuts, the car mode is excellent, and the robot mode is absolutely stunning. Plus, he actually comes with a gun this time.  

#12: Legacy Blitzwing

Another controversial pick, but I think this guy is pretty fun. Transformations are simple yet interesting, and vehicle modes are flawed but fun. He looks great next to the rest of the Season 1 & 2 Decepticon cast, especially Astrotrain.

#11: Kingdom Blaster/Shattered Glass Blaster

I don’t think many people were expecting Blaster to be as good as he is. Essentially perfect looking in both modes, interesting transformation, not to mention the included cassette companion being better than pretty much all of the Decepticon ones. Just an all around great toy no matter what version you choose.

#10: Studio Series 86 Sludge

It is such a shame that the QC on this figure is so sloppy because he rivals Grimlock in my opinion. The transformation is interesting without being too frustrating. Visually he looks great and fits right in with the other two. It also helps that he doesn’t come with a weird squatting companion. 

#9: Kingdom Slammer

The final of the WFC weaponizers and what figure to end with. He is a fantastic figure in his own right, but all the weaponizing parts are great and so much fun to use on other figures, and he has bonus functionality with T30 Metroplex if that is up your alley.  

#8: Studio Series Bumblebee Thundercracker

This shouldn’t be surprising, considering Starscream made my list last year, and this figure is just as good. I talked about how much I loved this figure last year, but these colors are just as good, if not better. Now, all we need is a Skywarp to complete the trio. 

#7: Premium Finish WFC Starscream/Shattered Glass Starscream

Another seeker mold and my favorite Seeker one to date. I have every version of this mold and will buy every version they release in the future and two of the best-looking ones released this year. SG Screamer does have rampant yellowing, I can’t excuse that, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t look stunning out of the box.

#6: Masterpiece Trainbots Shouki & Getsui 

Every time I get a new one of these guys, I get even more excited for the rest of the components and for Raiden himself. Don’t let that overshadow the fact that these are excellent figures in their own right. The engineering is constantly surprising and interesting without being overly complicated and frustrating. On top of that, the licensed train modes are sublime especially for someone like me whose childhood was filled with trains. I can’t wait for the rest of the crew.

#5: Fansproject Sigma L & Browning II

The final 3rd party figures on the list and what figures they are. I love it when 3rd party companies redesign existing characters, and these two are precisely why; Great designs, interesting transformations, and oozing personality. I knew I was going to like Sigma L, but Browning II was a complete surprise, and I couldn’t be happier about it.  

#4: Selects Cyclonus & Nightstick 

If it hasn’t been established already I love a toy deco, and this figure is the best one so far. It was an already near-perfect mold, but include the Targetmaster and the perfect paint job and toy detail stickers. It doesn’t get much better than this.  

#3: Legacy Jhiaxus 

The complete surprise of a figure to pretty much everyone if I had to guess. No one ever expected this design to get a toy, much less for it to be this good. This is one of those rare times when Hasbro knocks it out of the park on the first try. Not much else I can say about this figure; if you haven’t picked one up, you are missing out.   

#2: Legacy Motormaster/Menasor

I was not expecting to like this figure as much as I do, but the engineering is incredible, not to mention that the designers somehow managed to make the toon look for Menasor, the worst-looking combiner in the original show, look good, which is an achievement on its own. Combined mode aside, Motormaster on his own is great fun to play with and transform to the point where I recommend him on his own.     

#1: Haslab Victory Saber

I don’t know what else to say about this figure that everyone else has already said. Exceptionally engineered, looks superb, and, most importantly, incredibly fun. All of the Victory Saber component figures would be on this list if they were sold individually from one another, but the whole package together is just something special. Some of the most fun i have had with a set of figures in a long time

And just like that, this list is complete; those are my top 20 figures for 2022. If you want to be technical about it, this is my top 25 figures of the year, but that’s semantics. All these figures are great, and I recommend all of them if you have any passing interest. I hope to be more active on this place this year, but only time will tell if that actually happens. Until then, I hope you all had a  Happy New Year, and I’ll see you when I see you.

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