Hi, it has been a minute since a blog post. Let’s just get into this, though, shall we? Same format as last year, Top 20 because there were too many standout figures; the figures did not have to release this year, I just had to acquire them this year, and as always, this is in no way a definitive for anyone else, just me. Now without further adieu, let’s start

Hi, it has been a minute since a blog post. My posting, in general, on the website has been inconsistent this year, which is something I would like to improve upon next year, hell, even this post is late, but better late than never, I suppose. Let’s just get into this, though, shall we? Same format as last year, Top 20 instead of Top 10 because there were just too many standout figures; the figures did not have to release this year, although most of them did. I just had to acquire them this year, and as always, this is in no way a definitive for anyone else, just me, so if you disagree with some of my picks, that’s cool, let me know on Twitter what your top figures of the year are. Now without further adieu, let’s start with #20;

#20: Shattered Glass Jetfire

Starting off with a Big Boy. I never got the original release of this mold when it came out during Siege, it never really appealed. I am perfectly fine with the T30 Jetfire as my normal Jetfire. Still, when this guy was announced, I knew I had to get him, mainly because I wanted to complete the Shattered Glass line, but I was also curious about the mold. I am glad I did; Jetfire here is PACKED with features and accessories, and while his transformation isn’t anything special, his sheer size makes up for it.  

#19: Selects Galvatron II

This is a figure I was unsure if I would pick up. I already loved the regular release from Kingdom, and while I knew I wanted the toy decos for Scourge and Cyclonus, I wasn’t thrilled with the pics of this guy. Obviously, I did pick him up, and he is just as good as the Kingdom/Legacy release, but this time with proper shoulders, a manga reference matrix, and some stickers for that extra toy look, even if those stickers aren’t very good, I appreciate the effort. 

#18: Wreck ‘N’ Rule Collection Autobot Springer 

It is wild to me that it took this long to get a repaint of this mold, but I won’t say no to a toy deco, and I knew I had to have this one as soon as I saw it. I absolutely adore the Siege Springer mold, and the toy colors for Springer are so good and this mold wears them perfectly. He is just as good if not better than the original release, and I couldn’t be happier about that.

#17: Studio Series KSI Sentry

This is a mold I have loved since Stinger came out in 2018, and I finally got KSI Sentry, who is just as good. The deep blue and black Pagani Huayra alt mode is absolutely stunning. And the added gunmetal silver in robot mode makes all the details in the molding pop, making up for the lack of weaponry.

#16: Revenge of the Fallen Knock-Out

The is a classic for anyone who grew up with the movie toylines. The Revenge of the Fallen toyline scouts are some of the best figures in the line, and Knock-Out is the epitome of that. Incredible colors, impeccable bike mode, and a remarkable robot mode design. Any version of this mold is excellent, but Knock-Out is the OG. 

#15: Fansproject Protector & Fansproject Knight

We have come to the first of my ties with Fansproject Protector and Fansproject Knight. These are two very different figures, but both are great in their own rights. Protector has the classic look and charm of old school 3rd party figures and upgrade kits that is hard to rival. While Knight has a similar charm to him, his size and six modes make him a just as fun a toy to mess with.   

#14: Premium Finish Optimus Prime (SS05)

I know this could be a controversial pick, I mean this figure is controversial. Most people question why this version of the mold and not the more accurate SS32 version. I am not most people. I have always preferred the SS05 version; I think transformation is less complicated, and I don’t care about the Jetfire compatibility as I never wanted Jetfire. This is just the perfect version of 05, and I couldn’t be happier.     

#13: Studio Series TLK Hot Rod

This is a figure I hoped to be good, and it did not disappoint. I am one who enjoyed the original TLK deluxe, as flawed as it is, but this just blows it out of the water. The transformation and engineering is nuts, the car mode is excellent, and the robot mode is absolutely stunning. Plus, he actually comes with a gun this time.  

#12: Legacy Blitzwing

Another controversial pick, but I think this guy is pretty fun. Transformations are simple yet interesting, and vehicle modes are flawed but fun. He looks great next to the rest of the Season 1 & 2 Decepticon cast, especially Astrotrain.

#11: Kingdom Blaster/Shattered Glass Blaster

I don’t think many people were expecting Blaster to be as good as he is. Essentially perfect looking in both modes, interesting transformation, not to mention the included cassette companion being better than pretty much all of the Decepticon ones. Just an all around great toy no matter what version you choose.

#10: Studio Series 86 Sludge

It is such a shame that the QC on this figure is so sloppy because he rivals Grimlock in my opinion. The transformation is interesting without being too frustrating. Visually he looks great and fits right in with the other two. It also helps that he doesn’t come with a weird squatting companion. 

#9: Kingdom Slammer

The final of the WFC weaponizers and what figure to end with. He is a fantastic figure in his own right, but all the weaponizing parts are great and so much fun to use on other figures, and he has bonus functionality with T30 Metroplex if that is up your alley.  

#8: Studio Series Bumblebee Thundercracker

This shouldn’t be surprising, considering Starscream made my list last year, and this figure is just as good. I talked about how much I loved this figure last year, but these colors are just as good, if not better. Now, all we need is a Skywarp to complete the trio. 

#7: Premium Finish WFC Starscream/Shattered Glass Starscream

Another seeker mold and my favorite Seeker one to date. I have every version of this mold and will buy every version they release in the future and two of the best-looking ones released this year. SG Screamer does have rampant yellowing, I can’t excuse that, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t look stunning out of the box.

#6: Masterpiece Trainbots Shouki & Getsui 

Every time I get a new one of these guys, I get even more excited for the rest of the components and for Raiden himself. Don’t let that overshadow the fact that these are excellent figures in their own right. The engineering is constantly surprising and interesting without being overly complicated and frustrating. On top of that, the licensed train modes are sublime especially for someone like me whose childhood was filled with trains. I can’t wait for the rest of the crew.

#5: Fansproject Sigma L & Browning II

The final 3rd party figures on the list and what figures they are. I love it when 3rd party companies redesign existing characters, and these two are precisely why; Great designs, interesting transformations, and oozing personality. I knew I was going to like Sigma L, but Browning II was a complete surprise, and I couldn’t be happier about it.  

#4: Selects Cyclonus & Nightstick 

If it hasn’t been established already I love a toy deco, and this figure is the best one so far. It was an already near-perfect mold, but include the Targetmaster and the perfect paint job and toy detail stickers. It doesn’t get much better than this.  

#3: Legacy Jhiaxus 

The complete surprise of a figure to pretty much everyone if I had to guess. No one ever expected this design to get a toy, much less for it to be this good. This is one of those rare times when Hasbro knocks it out of the park on the first try. Not much else I can say about this figure; if you haven’t picked one up, you are missing out.   

#2: Legacy Motormaster/Menasor

I was not expecting to like this figure as much as I do, but the engineering is incredible, not to mention that the designers somehow managed to make the toon look for Menasor, the worst-looking combiner in the original show, look good, which is an achievement on its own. Combined mode aside, Motormaster on his own is great fun to play with and transform to the point where I recommend him on his own.     

#1: Haslab Victory Saber

I don’t know what else to say about this figure that everyone else has already said. Exceptionally engineered, looks superb, and, most importantly, incredibly fun. All of the Victory Saber component figures would be on this list if they were sold individually from one another, but the whole package together is just something special. Some of the most fun i have had with a set of figures in a long time

And just like that, this list is complete; those are my top 20 figures for 2022. If you want to be technical about it, this is my top 25 figures of the year, but that’s semantics. All these figures are great, and I recommend all of them if you have any passing interest. I hope to be more active on this place this year, but only time will tell if that actually happens. Until then, I hope you all had a  Happy New Year, and I’ll see you when I see you.

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Hi there, it has been a while since I have done a blog post, but it is that time of year where we take a look back at everything we got, did, and watched and then rank them because… why not. I would usually just do this on twitter but since I now have this space I can go a bit more in depth on each figure. Now If you know me, you know I like to rank things so this was a lot of fun for me and took a lot more time than I thought it would to finalize. Even now while writing this I am still moving figures around, which is a testament to how stacked this year has been for me in terms of getting figures. That is seconded by the fact that this isn’t a Top 10 list, it is a Top 20 cause there were just so many figures that deserve praise and recognition that I couldn't narrow it down to just 10.


Before we get into it I do want to set some general ground rules; First, this list is not limited to just figures that came out in the year 2021, it is any figure I got throughout the year. Second, this list is by no means definitive in anyway or to anyone other than me, I shouldn’t have to say that this is an opinion piece, but there are a lot of dumb people out there, so this is more of a precautionary measure than anything. This is less of a rule but if you couldn’t tell by the title, this is going to be a REALLY LONG blog post so strap in and let’s get started


20: Studio Series 86 Wreck-Gar

Starting us off is Wreck-Gar, who I imagine is going to be on numerous people's lists, because he not only looks excellent in both modes but also has tons of play value in either mode. In robot mode he has great pose ability and has his signature axe. On top of that his wheels can be placed in a variety of locations across his robot mode giving him quite a few display options. In vehicle mode he is engineered to be able to have figures ride him, which is way more fun than it has any right being. What really holds him back from being higher up is his transformation, while it isn’t complicated, I always get hung up on how everything folds, especially his chest.


19: Studio Series Dino

I don’t feel like I have much to say on Dino here. He is the first proper toy of a character we barely saw in Dark of the Moon, and it is wonderful. The transformation is neat, vehicle weapon storage is very cool, and just an all around fun figure.  


18: Legends Blurr (+ Mold Mates)

I went from having none of this mold too having 3 of it within a month, and while it is a pretty simple mold, it is still very fun and I love all 3 versions pretty much equally but I think Legends Blurr would come out on top if I had to pick one just because of that color scheme alone. I appreciate that all 3 versions look different enough from one another, especially in vehicle mode, giving the mold their own personality.  


17: Studio Series Bumblebee Starscream

I know I might get flak for this one considering how many people I see who dislike the alt-mode and head for this figure but as someone who loves both the Bumblebee movie aesthetic and Cybertronian alt modes, this is a hard one not to love. On top of that, the colors on this toy are absolutely perfect and just make me happy anytime I look at him. While I do have Thrust as well I don’t get the same level of enjoyment out of him as I do Starscream here.


16: Studio Series 86 Slug

This large lad is excellent despite some visual wideness and him being more complicated than I would have liked. That being said the transformation has some cool and interesting sections, like the way the rear dino legs compress and fold away for robot mode and how the robot chest compresses for dino mode.


15: Studio Series 86 Grimlock

Not much to say here, he just is a very good, very chunky G1 Grimlock, essentially a scaled down Masterpiece Grimlock. Just a simple and fun robot dinosaur that turns into a simple and fun aggressive murder himbo/dad  


14: Generation Selects Deep Cover

Deep Cover is one of those characters that is essentially a nobody. He has never appeared in any media, at least not in this color scheme, but I love him all the same. That is mainly because of the colors, as black and blue is one of my favorite color combinations and he wears it well. The mold itself is just the Siege Sideswipe mode, which is pretty basic in and of itself. Not much else to say here, just an obscure character with a good color scheme on a good mold.


13: Transformers 2007 Stealth Bumblebee

This one is pure nostalgia for me. I was introduced to the franchise via the 2007 movie and had both the Cliffjumper and regular Bumblebee variants of this mold, so getting Stealth Bee was an absolute blast from the past. The color scheme of this guy is incredible and the car mode is absolutely stellar. When I opened him up I did not want to transform him into robot mode because I was so enamored with his car mode for a good 15 minutes. On a side note, Transformers should return to being packed in vehicle mode.  


12: WFC: Kingdom Core Class Soundwave

Core Class was a pleasant surprise for me, I wasn’t initially going to get any of them but after I got Core Starscream(mainly out of spite) I was pleasantly surprised, and as much as I enjoy both him and Megatron, Soundwave takes the cake. He is the perfect little desk toy and the closest thing we have gotten to replicating the original toy in modern day. If you only get one core class figure make it Soundwave.


11: Titans Return Topspin/Twin Twist

These two have no good being as good as they are. From being some of the most simple G1 toys to these to being one of the best molds in the entirety of Titans Return, which was a line FULL of absolute bangers, especially at the deluxe size class. They are just a pair of absolute delights and the epitome of a “pick up and play figure”


10: Universe 2.0 Ratbat

This is a figure I was not expecting to love as much as I do. The transformation is simple but the way the legs become the wings is both ingenious and simple. The colors on this guy are ACE, and a jet mode that looks like some sort of evil future tech Batwing and is everything I love about cybertronian/non-earth alt modes


9: Generations Selects Shattered Glass Optimus Prime

If you know me then you know that I LOVE Shattered Glass, so obviously this figure was going to make the list. The colors and articulation are ace the the way they have miniaturized the MP-10 transformation for this mold is very impressive and shows just how far we have come in the decade since that figure came out.


8: Universe 2.0 Roadbuster

This guy is simplistic fun incarnate. The transformation is great, I love all the hidden missile pods and he feels good to handle. Just a good, chunky lad and sometimes that is all you need.


7: Reveal the Shield Lugnut

I really have no idea what to say about RTS Lugnut that hasn’t already been said by both myself and anyone else who has this mold. I highly doubt we will get a mold this good again, especially for this character. Just absolutely excellent.


6: Universe 2.0 Dirge

I don’t feel like I need to explain why this is a good figure, cause everyone should already know why this is a good figure, I mean it is the Cybertron Starscream mold. It looks incredible in both modes and then put Dirge’s royal blue and dull gold color scheme on it and you have a match made in heaven. Sure the arms may be hindered by the flip-out sword gimmick, but that is to cool a gimmick for me to not love.


5: WFC: Kingdom Galvatron

This is the best Galvatron figure we have ever gotten HANDS DOWN, and probably the best leader in the entire WFC trilogy. He just has this presence to him in robot mode that only he can have. He looks great next to anybody, whether that be Rodimus, Cyclonus and Scourge, or Optimus and Megatron. Transformation is interesting and alt mode is just this giant space cannon that looks as ridiculous as it does awesome


4: Universe 2.0 Nemesis Prime/Classics Ultra Magnus

This is a mold I have wanted for a while and I am so glad I got my hands on, not one but two versions of it. For a mold that is 15 years old, it holds up EXTREMELY well and is so much fun to play with. Posing it is a blast even if it doesn’t have the amount of articulation of a modern figure. The weapons look so cool and the way they store in vehicle mode is incredible and I am pretty sure there is not a single version of this mold that doesn’t look incredible. I think this is one of the quintessential Transformers figures and every fan should, at least, mess with it at some point.


3: WFC: Kingdom Cyclonus

On the topic of Classics figures, Kingdom Cyclonus is just Classics Cyclonus brought into the modern era. The engineering between the two is incredibly similar which I think is a testament to how ahead of its time the Classics figure was. Kingdom Cyclonus is proof that you don’t need complicated transformations or world class engineering to make a good toy, you know what they say, less is more.


2: WFC: Kingdom Rodimus Prime

There is not much I can say about this figure that I haven’t already said in my review. Rodimus’ price of admission may be high but he is absolutely worth it in my opinion. His engineering is incredible, he looks fantastic in both modes. He is so much fun to pose and the accessories just exemplify that. For a figure that I was not considering picking up when first revealed, I am so glad I caved.


1: Ocular Max Eris: Kultur

And so we have come to the final figure, my number 1 of 2021, and it should come to no surprise that it is Eris:Kultur. Similarly to Rodimus there is not a lot more I can say that I haven’t already said. Not only was this figure my first brand new 3rd Party figure but it also fits with my own personal canon, on top of that both modes are extremely good looking and all the engineering is simple yet intuitive. I knew as soon as I got her out of the box she would be my number for the year, and despite figures coming close it was never a question.


And that is all folks, that is my top 20 figures that I got in 2021. I do hope you enjoyed my little look back at the past year, and am curious as to what your favorite Transformers were that you got in 2021, so let me know on Twitter if you want. As for the future I still plan on doing galleries every week and I do want to get back to doing blog posts, they just take a while to write so they might not be as regular as they started out. I also want to expand beyond reviews and perhaps do monthly news roundups or top ten lists, maybe incorporate tier lists or brackets somehow, I guess only time will tell. Until then, Have a Happy New Year and I’ll see you when I see you.

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Studio Series 86.07 Slug w/Daniel Witwicky

Hi, welcome back to MythicTF’s. Over the past few months since I have started this blog all the figures I have done haven’t really been brand new, with the exception of Eris:Kultur obviously. Not to say most of these toys are old, most have come out within the past 3-4 years, but today’s figure is brand new as of writing this, so new that he has barely started showing up in most countries. I wasn’t even expecting to get this guy till October, but I got lucky with a listing on and was able to get him early, or at least early by my standards, but enough beating around the bush let’s get prehistoric and look at Studio Series 86.07 Slag, I mean Slug.

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Slug here is actually the second Dinobot to be released in the Studio Series 86 sub-line, the first being Grimlock, who I am sure we will get to eventually. Before we actually move on to the figure I feel like I should address the name issue here between Slag and Slug and why it was switched. Slag is his original name and to numerous people that is this character's name as that is what they grew up with but, as time went on, it was discovered that “slag” is a derogatory word in the UK and Europe, so Hasbro decided to change the name of the character to Slug. Some people may get unnecessarily mad at this name change, but it isn’t really that big of an issue, at least to me, because it is not like Slag was a major character with a lot of history and even if he was it is not like the name is that much different, they just switched a letter. Anyways let’s take a look at the figure shall we.

Starting as always with the head as always, and honestly I like it much more than I thought I would based on all the pictures I saw beforehand. I am still not the biggest fan of the fully red head and would have preferred a black head with a red or silver face, but this head is accurate to the G1 cartoon and that is the point of the SS86 toyline, but like I said I like the red more than I thought. I think that there are a substantial amount of details here that would have gotten lost had they used black instead. The only non red parts on the entire face are the rather large metallic blue eyes which really stand out. The head itself is not actually a full head because of how he transforms, it is more of a face with a slope on the back, which is fine since you don’t really see the back of the head thanks to his iconic dino head hood. Speaking of the hood, it does make it a little difficult to maneuver the head but there is sufficient space to get your fingers in there to move it around. You can actually move the head quite a bit thanks to the ball joint it’s on, plus the neck panel can move for some extra up and down action, although the downside of that is that that panel doesn’t lock in so you can up can end up sinking his head into his chest a little without noticing.

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Slug here has a rather wide torso, or at the very least it is visually wide. There are multiple factors to this and not all of them are chest related, but since we're here we might as well look at the chest. To start off we have this big grey centerpiece which, on the original toy was the lower jaw of the dino. Here it is clearly a faux part but it stands out REALLY nicely against the primarily red torso, and reversely the Auto-badge stands out really well against the grey. Moving on outwards to the shoulders sections. They are these large red cylindrical chunks, which is one of the main reasons he looks so wide, another one being the slopes tapering to the waist not going out far enough so it looks like the torso stops perpendicular to them and then the shoulder starts, there is even an indent in the molding that helps sells that “illusion”. Speaking of molded details, it all looks very nice and stands out pretty well against the red plastic, and most, if not all, of it is based on the details from the G1 toy which is a nice touch, and blends the cartoon and toy styles very well. I especially love all the details on the inside of the back wings. Since we're talking about the back wings, let's talk about the backpack as a whole cause there is a lot here, but all things considered, it is very compact. It does have the whole dino tail hanging off his back but it looks a lot better and compacts much more than the initial pictures made it appear. It does have a few gaps you can see from the side, nothing major though and it is all very secure.

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Moving on to the arms, which are the other main reason he seems wide. They are very good with all the right articulation; Hand rotation, double hinge elbow, full bicep rotation, 90 degree outward movement and full shoulder rotation(the ratchets of which are incredible). I feel like the arms themselves should be both slightly longer and bulkier. When fully straightened the arms just barely make it a third of the way down the thigh, and I think if you made them bulkier they would stand out more from the body instead of extensions in a different color. Luckily these complaints are only really visible when his arms are straight, if you pose them they aren’t really noticeable.

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Now let's look at the legs, which are super chunky in multiple ways. The waist is this large brick with a rotation, and full outward, forward and backwards movement in the hips, and while the tail does interfere slightly, it is not as much as you might think and it can be moved out of the way pretty easily. Thighs are a bit short but in comparison to the rest of the legs but not enough where it is a flaw, and I do really love the blue and green on the knees, keeping with the toy inspired details. Surprisingly, thanks to transformation, Slug has double-jointed knees and both joints are ratcheted, although this does cause a minor issue of the thighs not lining up to the lower legs correctly, but again minor issue. Now we get to the main event, these chunky knee-high boots with gold painted toes and mechanical detail galore, but the best part about these has to be the rear dino mode legs that collapse in on themselves and fold around to fill in the inner leg. The engineering here actually allows you to fold them out so you can homage the G1 toy even more, obviously this brings the downside of hollowness on the inside of the legs. He does have some exceptional ankle tilt, going fully 90 degrees, but that isn’t something we haven’t seen before, especially over the last 2-3 years.

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Obviously before looking at the transformation and Dino mode, we have to look at his accessories, of which there are two. First up is his gun, which is a pretty nice single barreled rifle painted in the same light grey as the chestplate, and it can be held in either hand, or stored on the back, or oddly enough plugged into the shoulder. Our second accessory can also be plugged into the shoulder, but this one plugs into the top instead of the side. Yep, it is time to look at the weirdest accessory for this guy to come with, Daniel Witwicky in his exo-suit. Daniel here is very well detailed and looks like he did in the 86 film, with the exception of anything actually telling us this is Daniel other than name. For all we know this could be Spike or just an empty exo-suit and either option would make just as much sense coming with Slug as Daniel. The only articulation on this figure is the ball joints at the shoulders and hips, the latter being pretty pointless thanks to the legs being permanently bent 90 degrees. To the point where it makes him hard to stand up on his own. Like I mentioned he can plug into the top of Slug’s shoulder and ride up there if you would like, and that is pretty much it for integration at least for robot mode.

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Transformation is neat, especially the legs, since they collapse together to become the entire back end of the dino and the way the chest opens up to reveal the lower jaw is extremely satisfying. This mode is overflowing with molded detail and while we saw most of it in robot mode it is all concentrated together now into this giant mechanical mass. I especially love the faux feet on his back to give him his classic look without sacrificing anything in the legs overall design. Taking a quick look at the head, and it is your classic triceratops head with the spake mane, forehead horns and singular nose spike, all with some mid 80’s mechanical flair. The head itself is done up in a nice brilliant gold and, just like the robot head, the metallic blue eyes really capture your attention from almost every visible angle. The lower jaw can open up and there is even a blast effect port in the mouth so you can make him breath fire(I unfortunately don’t have good enough effect parts to replicate this, so I did the best I could). Because of how the dino head is engineered he can’t look up at all so he just breathe fire at what is on the floor directly in front of him. Actually he doesn’t have much going on the way of articulation in this mode, the front legs obviously have everything the arms had, since that is what they are, but the back legs really only have hip movement. I mean you can use the knee and ankle joint there thanks to the transformation joints but they don’t look all that convincing. Both of the accessories can be used in this mode, the gun actually stores in the tail, giving him a properly tapered tail. Meanwhile Daniel/Spike/the Exo-suit can ride Slug thanks to the two tabs just behind the spike mane.

Overall I think SS86 Slug is an EXCELLENT figure with a couple flaws that keep him from being as good as he could have been. I am thinking he gets a very respectable 8/10. I think that is everything covered with Slug here, I do hope I can get to SS86 Grimlock sooner rather than later but with a lot of stuff releasing and arriving in the next couple months I am not quite sure that will happen, only time will tell. As always with every blog post the accompanying photo gallery is up so check it out if you would like and next week we keep the dinobot theme but probably not in the way you're thinking. See you then.

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